Sperry-Galligar Audubon Society

Bird House Occupants

Peterson's Bluebird house.Carolina Chickadee nest in Peterson's style bluebird house.
Chickadee Icon.Carolina Chickadee Nest.
Sandra and Buddy Wood had some new arrivals at their residence on April 29, 2001; and thanks to the photographs taken by their son, Ryan, we can all share the experience.   A pair of Carolina Chickadees selected the Peterson's style bluebird house (upper left) to set up housekeeping.  The Chickadee's nest  (upper right) shows its composition of moss and other fine materials, including dog hair - deliberately made available to them after brushing the family dog. Those who monitor bluebird nest boxes should learn to recognize the nest construction of this and other bird species that nest in bluebird houses.

Below left: A close up, top view of the new hatchlings shows what appear to be four babies [later, five young were counted] in the tiny, softly lined, nest cup. Below right:  The same birds photographed on May 7, 2001.  Note the rapid growth and the chickadee plumage pattern.  Chickadees fledge the nest in about 14 to 18 days.  (Photos by Ryan Wood)

New hatchling Carolina Chickadee's.  .

Cowbird egg in chickadee nest.                     ADDENDUM:

This Carolina Chickadee nest was photographed on May 9, 2003, by Elma Hurt.  The nest has been parasitized by a cowbird.  Notice the larger, darker flecked, egg at the left-center of the clutch.  Cowbirds are "brood parasites"  They do not construct a nest.  Instead, they lay their eggs in the nest of various other birds species and let the host species raise their young.
For information & discussion on cowbirds click here.

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